has been continually registered as a domain name since 3/23/2000. It has been my personal playground and I really like being able to have my own email instead of having to rely on Gmail, Yahoo or another such provider.
If you’re curious as to where “Blutimus” comes from… it is totally contrived and has no inherent meaning. When I was a young child my brother often called me “Blute” (hated it then BTW!) so in the late 90’s when I got online and started signing up for games and services and such I was using Blute as my login name. Then I got to thinking about registering the domain name but it was already taken ( so I started thinking of what I could come up with.
Blute had always sounded a bit like ancient Greek or Roman. I was thinking Brutus and Maximus and I came up with Blutimus and I really liked it! It was unique and quirky and sounded cool so I registered it and have kept it active since that time, using it mainly for the email. Though I enjoy that control and functionality for my email it has been both a blessing and a curse… it can be excruciatingly difficult to tell someone what your email is over the phone! Most people are like what? Now, I just spell it out letter by letter!
Over the years this site has been in various states of disrepair and defunctness. I had a really crappy host from 2017 through 2020. When they started pestering me about renewing I decided to look for a better host and found one with WordPress hosting that works so I committed to getting the site working again and keeping it working.
Below is the history timeline from Wayback Machine. The first date they crawled the site was 3/2/2001. In those days I made more frequent updates and was more involved but trust me, you’ll be disappointed if you think you’re missing something and decide to check it out. Really, not only is it cringe-worthy, the full site is not accessible and the images are all missing so you really don’t get the full impact!;)
Around 2006 I kind of fell off the radar. I had other things going on but the domain was still registered and I was still using the email, I just had no file hosting for a few years. In 2013 I kind of transitioned over to* and played around with that for a while but eventually I wound up on a hosting service that sounds a lot like a Starbucks beverage and their shit never worked and I lost interest… then came the barrage of renewal notices and I was like, yeah it’s time.
So why? Why maintain this site and pay for it? Who really cares? Well, first I do. As mentioned I like having the email control. Also, it doesn’t cost much to maintain this. Hosting is around $5 a month and domain registration is $18 a year – that’s $6.50 a month.
So for that price I have a place to play around and post some photos, stories and hobbies. I can do a lot of things behind the scenes as well that help me learn new and cool things. I just enjoy doing that sort of thing.
What now? Well, I’m going to create some content for photo galleries, my music and some essays and such that I have been working on. So we’ll see.
* I lost the domain a couple of years ago during an inattentive period and it got snatched by some domain squatters. Hopefully it will lapse in the future and I can get it back. For now I just have a section of this site dedicated to BTD.